Tuesday, February 18, 2003

I know my buddy "D" just wrote about this topic, but I figured that I'd add my two cents worth too. What is the deal with Michael Jackson? Seriously! The guy is a freak. He only has a few hits that anyone ever talks about. Yes, I'm sure the real die-hard fans can name all his songs, but for the rest of us there was: Thriller, Beat It, Billie Jean, and maybe Bad and Black Or White, but that's about it. But suddenly he's the hot topic in Hollywood, and every TV special makes him look more freaky than the one before. Well I noticed an interesting trend with his music. He seems to foreshadow his life within his song lyrics. For example, he once sang, "it don't matter if you're black or white" and of course everybody has noticed that his skin used to be black but is now white. In Billie Jean, he said, "the kid is not my son" and I seriously wonder if his kids really are his own. Then there was, "you know I'm bad, I'm bad" and some of the real-life evidence against him seems to support those lyrics as well. Well there is just one more song where I wish that his life would imitate his art. "Just beat it!" And that's all I've got to say about that.


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