Wednesday, November 06, 2002

On Tuesday afternoon I received my official geek license: namely, a library card. Yes indeed. I am now a certified card-carrying member of the local public library. It's merely a block away from my new house, so I thought why not sign up? After all, it is a free membership now that I live in the city. I felt like a total nerd as I was looking around. I decided to look for a book about typography (or anything else relating to graphic arts or layout.) It was about this time that I realized that I didn't have the foggiest idea on how to find a particular book. Back in the day (uh... it's been awhile since I've been in a library) there used to be files with index cards, in alphabetical order, that you could look up and they'd tell you where something was located. So I looked all around the stupid library, trying to find their stupid index cards, when finally I had to admit defeat. I sheepishly approached the librarian, and explained that I didn't actually know how to look for a book. Well, apparently they have everything on computers now! (Duh... I did see the computers there, but I thought that they were there for public internet access or something.) She gave me a few pointers on how to do a search through their database, and I was on my way. Minutes later, I found what I wanted and I then proceded to check out my first set of library books. Yes, I'm so very proud of myself right now!


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