Sunday, October 13, 2002

Hey boys and girls, I'm back! (Did you miss me?) Well, I haven't actually been gone, but since I took possession of my house on the first of October, I've basically been slaving away, day and night. I didn't know that getting a house would be so much work! (Well, okay... actually I did know it would be a lot of work but it's still taking a little longer to get going than I thought it would.) I'm painting the entire interior of the house, all the baseboards, trim, and the doors. For the walls, I chose a tan colour called "Salt Lake Sand" and for the trim and doors, I'm using a shade of white called "Queen Ann's Lace." Don't you just love the names that they give these colours? It's kind of funny. I guess they all want something that sounds unique. Anyway, I wasted two entire days removing wallpaper. I now realize how much I hate wallpaper! It is evil stuff. Then I spent about a day, knocking a hole through the wall between the dining room and the living room. No, not just a random hole... this is a 6' by 4' rectangular opening, that is technically called a "pass through." The point of it, is so that it opens up a couple of rooms, making them seem a little bigger and brighter. It sounded like a simple operation, but because this was a support wall, it was a little tricky to get it done right. Right now, pretty much everything is finished, except for painting the window trim and baseboards. I'm getting pretty excited to move in, but it will probably be a few more days.


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