Saturday, November 23, 2002

Politicians are so hypocritical. Françoise Ducros, the communications director for our Canadian Prime Minister, referred to U.S. President Bush as being "a moron" during a private conversation this past Wednesday. A couple of reporters overheard the comment, and suddenly this non-story has been blown up into a major controversy. (In fact, I just heard about it yet again on CNN a few minutes ago!) Here in Canada, all the other politicians are "outraged" and "shocked" at Ms. Ducros comment, and are DEMANDING that she resign from her position. Give me a break!! Resign from her job for a meaningless comment? No wonder most people have no respect for politicians, and I'm not talking about Ms. Ducros. I'm talking about all the jerks who act like they are so surprised that someone would actually refer to President Bush as "a moron" during a personal conversation. Really... who HASN'T been guilty of this very thing? Okay, if not President Bush, how about Bill Clinton? Al Gore? Or maybe, if you live in Canada, how about Allan Rock, Stockwell Day, Brian Mulroney, or Pierre Trudeau...take your pick, the list goes on and on. If I got raked over the coals for everytime I called someone "a moron", I'd have been unemployed long ago. Politicians. What a bunch of morons! (See... there I go again.)


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