Monday, June 17, 2002

That Jared guy (from the Subway commercials) is really starting to annoy me. In a recent commercial, he keeps interrupting someone's private conversation by continuously saying, "and they only have six grams of fat." If it was me that he was talking to, I'd tell him to shut up. They keep portraying Subway as a way to lose weight simply because Jared did it that way. People, let me tell you, if you want to lose weight, you don't have to eat at Subway. You have to simply get up off of your fat ass and start doing something, and quit eating all that crap that you're eating. A double fat ass whopper with extra mayo and cheese, super-sized onion rings, side order of pie, with a diet coke just ain't going to cut it. Jared lost weight because he started exercising and eating nothing but low fat food. The fact that he ate at Subway was insignificant, other than that he ordered low fat food off of their menu. In fact, I think he's a bit of a dweeb for eating the exact same thing for an entire year.


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