Friday, September 13, 2002

More funny logs: I'm 9th on Hotbot for: ask the dog if he liked the dog food. Maybe I think that is funny because I actually know the answer to that question. Well, at least if you'd ask my dog. Baylee totally hates dog food. Our dog food goes towards feeding my neighbor's dog, who usually eats most of it anyway. (It's sort of an even trade though because Baylee often drags stuff from off of their yard, or out of their garage, and then drops it all on the front lawn so we get to keep it.) Anyway, whatever's left of the dog food after the neighbor's dog is finished eating, usually goes towards feeding the birds. For some reason, Blue Jays (the birds, not the baseball players) love dog food. They carry it away, piece by piece, all day long, until the dish is completely empty. There's even been chipmunks, squirrels, mice, foxes, coyotes, skunks, and racoons eating Baylee's dog food. In fact, around here, pretty much EVERYTHING eats dog food... EXCEPT the dog. Hmm... I kinda got off topic there since I was originally talking about log files. Uh, okay... I'm also 9th on Google for: embarrassed about my skinny arms. Finally, a search result that reflects my true feelings! Of course I am very embarrassed about my skinny arms. I mean, come on... I've been weightlifting for a number of years now. But I look at old pictures of Arnold Schwarzenegger or Dorian Yates, and their arms still look a bit bigger than mine. Oh, I am so embarrassed!


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