Friday, September 27, 2002

Now I know what it feels like to be famous. Well, at least the part where you have to sign autographs for a lot of people... except that in my case it was me signing a lot of autographs for my lawyer. Yup, I officially signed my life away today as I had to autograph all of the legal documents in order to finalize the purchase of my house. (By the way, this means that I am no longer in charge of my life... the bank owns me now.) Anyway, there were so many papers to sign, I pretty much got a cramp in my hand. And all these autographs weren't for anything cool, such as scoring points with a bunch of cute adoring groupies who were huge fans of mine or something like that... nope, my autographs were just to signify that I read and understood the 47 million pages of legal jargon on the pile of documents in front of me. What a laugh! I wouldn't have understood any of that stuff even if I did read them! I simply nodded like I understood what the lawyer was saying and I signed anywhere he pointed to on the papers. Then I celebrated my trip to the lawyer, by an equally exciting trip to an insurance agency where I purchased home insurance (a mandatory condition of my bank lending money to me.) So come on now all you nasty elements out there... bring it on! Oh wait... no earthquakes though. Those are about the only things that my insurance doesn't cover. Luckily for me, in my part of the world it would be more likely to get struck by lightning a dozen times that it would be to ever sustain any earthquake damage, so I think I'll be alright. Only a few days to go until my October 1st possession date. Woo hoo!


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