Look... we just didn't know better, okay? Sheesh! Here's the story... last week during hockey, one of my team-mates got beaned in the head with the puck. He got hit right between the eyes, at about eyebrow level. After we dragged him over to the bench, we began the informal pool to see who would have the closest guess as to how many stitches he would need. (Editorial note: I won the pool! I guessed it would be six which was exactly correct.) Anyway, after taking a short breather, he naturally wanted to get back in the game, but being the responsible players that we are, we told him that maybe he should drive himself to the hospital and get his head stitched back together so that the bleeding would stop. After putting up a mild arguement, he reluctantly agreed with us. Our next game was three days later and he was right back in there, with his newly fixed up head and all. He even scored a goal for us. Now today I just found out that after that second game, he was experiencing strange dizzy spells and stuff like that, so he decided to go back to the hospital and have it checked out. After a few tests it was determined that he has a serious concussion and is now under doctor's orders to pack it in for the season. Not only that... he doesn't remember the game where he got hit, and he doesn't even remember going to the hospital or how he got there. Now his wife is all ticked off that we would have let the guy drive himself to the hospital in his condition, but seriously... he seemed totally fine! I mean, I get hit in the head all the time and it's usually not that big of a deal. Oh well. I'm sure she'll get over it by next season.
Pablo's Dog Blog
Official Blog of TheDoghouse7
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