What is it with all the stupid punks (ie: teenage boys) and their stupid car stereos (ie: equipped with a subwoofer)? They have always been annoying, but I think the problem is increasing. Dudes... grab a clue. Putting a three thousand dollar, million mega-watt stereo into a ten year old, piece of junk Civic does not make you cool. And at least play some decent music for a change. Would it kill you to play some Tom Petty or something? When I'm in my house, with the windows closed, and I can hear the stereo of a car that is two blocks away, they should have the courtesy to play something that I like. The stuff they usually play, sounds like the next rendition of Vanilla Ice. Dudes... Vanilla Ice was never cool, and the junk you're listening to is pretty much the exact same crap. Anyone that has a car stereo that can be heard from more than two blocks away, is an idiot. And that is final.
Pablo's Dog Blog
Official Blog of TheDoghouse7
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